The Best Apps for your DeGoogled Phone


 Now that you have a Google Free (DeGoogled) phone what are the apps that you should be using?  Is there anything you shouldn't be using?  The following article has been written to help guide you towards finding the best apps as well as those that you should probably stay away from.



 Get apps for your phone from the following places...

  • F-Droid
  • Aurora Store (use anonymously, do not log in to Google)


Do not use...

  • The Google Playstore (note that you can essentially get any/all Playstore apps via the Aurora Store - see above)



 Decent browsers that you should consider include...

  • Brave
  • DuckDuckGo
  • Firefox


You should stay away from...

  • Google Chrome (especially if you log in)



 Email is not the best place to be putting your private information.  Nevertheless, the following are perhaps some of the better ones...

  • Protonmail
  • Tutanota
  • FastMail
  • HushMail


Email options that you should probably try to stay away from...

  • Gmail



 If you have more than one email account (and most do) you may want to use an email client so that you can manage your emails in one place.  The following are perhaps some of the better ones...

  • FairEmail
  • K-9
  • PEP


Email client options that you should stay away from...

  • Gmail



 The best messaging apps are those that are not associated with your email...

  • Signal
  • Telegram


You should definitely stay away from...

  • WhatsApp



 You should definitely stay away from...

  • Facebook
  • Instagram



 You can always watch Youtube videos on your browser (but don't log in!).  If you would prefer a phone app to view Youtube videos these ones will work (and many would say they are actually better than the Youtube app)...

  • NewPipe
  • SkyTube


What is a degoogled phone?